Friday, October 15, 2010


Detachment – it hangs as the status

Of my virtual socializing site,

Mostly with me out of sight!

It hangs as my status - the state of my mind.

Hangs like a noose, exclusively blind.

It rolls from my eye, struggling, stifling.

Like a stone, on a dead, silent, street.

A stone, a tool, a weapon

Not merely a pebble.

But suddenly a laudable commodity.

Yet a stone, like cold icicle,

When gushing over my pale cheek.

To evade, to cut, to severe

Is not detachment

But to obstruct, to de-construct attachment -

All obtrusive and conclusive.

To construct detachment is a fission reaction

Its is more willingness and less stillness

It is more about the free flight

Than those nestled dreams.

Detachment sings more of Freedom

A song dipped in bitter-sweet confidence.

Of a gala insanity, very desirously inked

With blood in one’s will

A Will, incapable of inheritance by any heir.

A Will, earned, if need be, by a revolution.

There is utter denouncement of all bonds.

The vilification of all that restiveness.

It is movement in all directions

Culminating in amorphous Dance,

Neatly splitting the body of this nomadic soul.

Detachment is a puzzle

Which sets free each jig from every saw

Part by part, entity by entity, atom by atom.

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